Friday, August 5, 2011

Watching kids is easy

Nancy had to run out for some chores.
It should only take her an hour.
It is my turn to watch our kids.
Our highly active.
Bouncing off the walls all day.
And Anna.

This is easy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

KinderGARDENS N is for Natural

This weeks assignment is colors in the garden. It would be easier to just keep dressing my girls in cute sun dresses than to find colors as we are still in the growing and blooming stages.

Basically everything is green. Green on the tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, basil, peppers, broccoli, okra, corn, carrots, onions. Lots of green stems, shoots, leaves and vines. We keep hoping for other colors as that means its time to eat what we are growing.

We do have white bean flowers on the pintos.
There are brown spots on the butterfly plant.
There are also white flowers on the amaranth leaf.
We do have some blue clover in the happy chicken garden.

Yellow in the flowers and black on this little bug on our cucumber.

The red of crimson clover in our happy chicken garden.
Purple in this butterfly flower.
Orange in our first tomato on its way to turning into something yummy.