2012 Garden Season has started!
We have a pot inside with currant tomato plants and a garlic clove.
We went to the Decorah Digin last fall and saw some amazing gardens. There we found these tiny tomatoes that were smaller than a marble when ripe at one of the homes. They look more like ground cover than food. We saved some seeds from this nice person and now they are growing.
This was the first time I tried saving tomatoes seeds with the procedure of keeping them in water and skimming off the scum for a couple days. I didn't realise that we would have such a high germination rate. Sad thing is I have to kill most of the seedlings but if I don't they will kill each other any way.
Why garlic? Ryan and Anna broke up all the cloves left over from our garden last year for roasting and this one was growing so we popped it in. We will see what happens.
I love gardens, they are such a cool experiment.