September in Mt. Pleasant ... Iowa
We got the opportunity to go down to Mt. Pleasant to ride the Jeffrey - the storage battery truck and also to spend time with family. Ryan's brothers and families came in from Pella Iowa and Grandville Michigan. We got to spend 2 days riding trains of all shapes and sizes.
Jonathan got wore out and Aunt Cheryl was soft and warm.
The brothers and the sons got to ride together with just the Jeffrey (SBT) running on just 4 Razor scooter batteries. It ran fine.
Jonathan wants his critter to move soon. He spent hours in it running around the track. Even Lilly rode in it for a while.
Anna got to control the Jeffrey around the track, here she is coming into the yard.
Family helps with running our small train. Here we are getting the big batteries on the SBT. Brother Robb has the flat top, cousin Bradley is helping get Jonathan in the critter. Lauren is behind Ryan and Anna.
Lilly didn't like how cold Sunday was and wrapped up in blankets until she either warmed up or woke up.
Uncle Robb is driving Aunt Cheryl around.
Uncle Robb is helping reconnect other batteries.
Occasionally finding something other than trains for a little while and finding new friends.