Learning Tamil and Training Anna
Vanakkum, (Hello)
This has been such a fun varam (week) I wanted to share. First I borrowed a learn to speak Tamil CD. You can see sprinkled in some examples of phonetic words. look at Bungi's site to see a poem in actual Tamil writing. The CD is very neat if a little cheeky in the pictures. You put your mouse over the item the computer will say it, a woman in english and a man in Tamil, plus it will show the phonetic way of saying it.
Second I spent konjum neram (some time) this weekend updating the links on the right side of our web page http://ryanAndNancy.blogspot.com I am trying to make it more useful for visitors.
About the presentation I talked about in the last post. Here is a link direct to the pictures mentioned in the last post, this morning I added captions to some of the more confusing shots.
Oh yes about training Anna, potty training that is! Anna is 2.5 years old and in my opinion was smart enough to know when to use a potty since last kodaikalam (summer). I did spend some time setting her on the potty this kulirkalam (winter) and she was happy to comply, but Nancy did not think it was time to start due to all our traveling, etc etc. Well now that we are at Grandma's for a while we have three people to take her often to try. To be honest I will tell anyone with a child do not wait this late to train your child. Children are very smart at 6 months old, do it then. I can see that what we are actually doing is un-training her diaper use. Don't wait to train because it is better for you.
The down side of the training we are now doing is Anna is trying hard to be defiant in what ever way she can: 'time to eat dinner' 'NO' runs the other way. 'time for a nap' 'Not tired'... the list goes on.
I hope all is going well for you, I have not yet figured out how to say goodbye in Tamil, so english will do.
Oh yes I tried to embed the link to the tamil text from Bungi into the writing, if you can not get to it above use this link: http://bungz.blogspot.com/2007/05/rest.html