This has been a fun couple of weeks for the DeVries Family. We had the privilege two weekends ago to share our story and Growing Opportunity Finance's story with the adult Sunday school class at Lakeshore Baptist Church, and a quick moment during the morning sermon.
We have taken the time to make up a poster showing a couple pictures from G.O. and basic information, these we will be sending to our supporting churches, and a couple other places. We used the services of to make up take-home card from their
'free' ($5 after shipping) cards. Our next publishing project is a mail update as to why we are not in Chennai yet.
We are again thankful to GCC and Jack and the team allowing us to sit in on their training for a 10 day trip to rural India. Last Monday we all gathered at the Star Of India in South bend to eat a traditional meal, in a traditional manner. (well ok it was on plates not banana leaves, and we were at tables not on the floor.) [note this is where Bungi will write and remind us that in Chennai city they do have silverware, tables, plates, and napkins...]
We also took the time to visit Grand Rapids for my brother's annual open house, he does every year for the back yard trains. I posted a couple pictures on the web here.
We also saw in the backyard a baby deer, he rested all day under the pines in our yard or the neighbors, I bet he was sure glad to find his mother that night, he started bleating around dusk.
Then this morning I found on my daily walk that the black berries are ripe. I found a good crop of wild ones a short walk from the house, sorry no pictures, ate them all... I am thinking of buying a pocket sized digital camera so that I will always have one with me, I am sure there will be many photo moments while in India. There are plenty here in Indiana. If you have a recommendation please tell me.