Tuesday, September 18, 2007

New Address and Addresses Please

Hello All,

Wanted to let you all know that Growing Opportunity has now its own website. (prior it was a sub page at Opportunity International Australia.) The page, designed by S. Simms, a high school student that was here in Chennai for the summer, is at www.gopportunity.net. It was a privilege to help S. Simms publish this.

Second, we have received prayer cards and envelopes back from the printer. And are sending them out to those that request them. This great resource can be placed upon your fridge, bathroom mirror, or as a bookmark in your bible. It has a picture of Anna, Nancy and I on the front. And on the back are a list of prayer points, our birthdays, and our website and home mail address. We will gladly airmail you a card if we can have your address. (WHAT FUN TO GET A CARD FROM INDIA!!!) Let us know your current address so we can send you this wonderful resource.

Thank You and keep writting, again it is great hearing from you about life in the states, school starting (gosh kids you could have a great show and tell item --- a letter from you to India!) and such. Praise that Ann has a job as a teacher this year (I still think she should come here and work at GO.)

It only costs 90 cents to send an airmail letter to us, and us only 30 cents to send to you.


  1. I believe you already have our current address; we'll look forward to receiving the prayer card!

  2. Hi Ryan, can you send me a card as well... Through airmail... :P You know my address, right?

  3. For those of you not in the office.. bungi already has her card... i made a paper airplane and flew it over to her.

    Yes Holly it is heading your way... same with everyone else that responded.
