So how do you feed a baby?
I have had three babies. All have been breastfed to a certain extent.
I think I looked at her as a manual, just do what the book says and it should work. Once I quit trying and realized that I didn't fail, my body didn't work right in this case. Then I could look at her and love her. I saw her cues of when she wanted to eat and what she needed. I took the time to look in her eyes and to see that she was a beautiful daughter and gift from God.
We moved to Iowa and with Lilly I took a class on breastfeeding and made sure I had the teacher on speed dial. I rented a pump, came in for weighing, worked on technique, entered a support group, got a cute cover so I could nurse in public, took herbs and used the evil supplementer. The supplementer is a contraption you load with formula and tape it to yourself to feed the baby. It is supposed to stimulate your own milk production too. I used that about 2 months and then the hassle was too much. I nursed Lilly for 6 months total. I still was supplementing with more formula than my own milk that entire time. I know I tried my hardest and that I did what I could.
With Jonathan it has been different. Ryan broke his leg when I was 7 months pregnant. The thought of helping him with his recovery and taking care of my other two kids was overwhelming. Ryan and I talked for a while and decided that I do what I can and that is fine. No pumping, no herbs and no jumping though hoops. Just attach and detach. In this case he was fed for 2 months this way. When he kept refusing me I knew it was the end of breastfeeding.
All my kids are breastfed. All my kids at bottle fed. All my kids are loved.
Here is another moms take on breast feeding. I can understand it from her perspective too.