Visiting Plans
Good news! After a week of Anna always being in contact with either Nancy or I we were able to have her walk into a house we have not been at for a year while we stood next to the car. Ah the joy of visiting Gama and Papa! We stayed with them for several months before leaving for India and now we are back. Though this time it is for a couple weeks before we travel to other towns to visit some friends which is before I settle down with a job.
We have a couple of talks scheduled for the next couple weeks.
On July 27th we will be visiting Lakeshore Baptist Church in Stevensville Michigan.
On August 3rd we will be visiting First Reformed Grandville Michigan.
Also on the 3rd we will involved in an open house from 1-3pm in Rockford Michigan.
In between this we are visiting individual supporters and I am applying to jobs, I do have one good prospect now and many more resumes being sent out each day.
We plan to visit St. Louis and then Detroit the first and second two weeks of August, subject to change due to job search.
Nice nice! So getting back in the groove there? Will email more. Was away for about a week. Had gone home (yes. again.). :-)